Quick OCR on Windows 11
When I needed to quickly pull out a lengthy text from an image I used to leverage the OCR (optical character recognition) capabilities that exist in Microsoft OneNote (the OneNote version available in the Microsoft Office suite of tools or the one that can be installed free from the Microsoft Store application). See an example screenshot below where after copy-pasting an image in a OneNote notebook page I try pulling out the text from the pasted image.
But today higher quality OCR capabilities are available directly in the Snipping Tool application available in Windows 11. The snipping tool version installed with Windows 11 does not have this capability out-of-the-but but you need to update it by going to the Microsoft Store website or to the Microsoft Store app, search for the Microsoft Snipping Tool and update it. Following is a link to jump directly to the Microsoft Snipping Tool in the Microsoft Store https://apps.microsoft.com/detail/9mz95kl8mr0l?hl=en-us&gl=US. Once Snipping Tool is updated, you will get a "Text actions" button in the toolbar that allow copying text from the current screenshot as shown below.